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I'm Abhishek Rajput, web developer based in India.

I am a web developer done these Projects and looking forward to do excellent imperesive work for upcoming clients.

Abhishek Rajput (abhi)


omnifood project


This is the Frontend Project using HTML, CSS & javaScript. It is for any online food delivery startup. It is fully responsive website done using media queries in css. Let's See it

omnifood project

pig game

This is a Game Project using HTML, CSS & javaScript. Used some Logical and mathematical knowledge alongwith programming languages. Let's See it

Bankist netbanking project

bankist payment

This is the Frontend Project using HTML, CSS & javaScript. It is online payment service app by bankist bank(hypothetical). Some Let's See it

Bankist Minimalist website project


This is the Frontend Project using HTML, CSS & javaScript. It is a dummy project for banking Services. Let's See it

about me

I am a web developer and designer. Developed some projects as shown on this portfolio. Currently I am in my final year of graduation.
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